Fruit punch

Fruit punch 

We all love fruits who doesn't, but did you ever think that your favorites could also be your diet partner? Berries may be your favorite flavor in all the desserts, but get to know more about berries to start eating them fresh and tasty.

Berries are high antioxidants, helps in maintaining your blood sugar levels,  they are high in fiber, they have vitamin c which helps to increase your immunity and strength,  helps to fight inflammation, helps in lowering your cholesterol levels, brings glow on your face.

Fruit punch 

oats - 2 cups
chia seeds - 2 tbsp
milk - 2 cups
plain yogurt- 3 tbsp
honey - 2 tbsp
strawberry - 1 cup
blueberry - 1 cup
raspberry - 1 cup
banana - 1/2 cup

Blend them all in a blender or mixer, you can store them over night in the refrigerator to get more results in your diet life.

Stay healthy | Eat healthy 
